Let’s Get Lost!

Dear Fellow Leasing Professional,

While on a recent flight home, I came across an interesting story in – of all places – Travel & Leisure Magazine. It’s title, ‘Let’s Get Lost’, caught my eye, but it was the content that really resonated. The article chronicled a couple who accidently typed ‘Carpi’ for ‘Capri’ into their navigation system and four hours later were shocked to find themselves in a landlocked city instead of the island destination they had intended to visit. Interestingly, the pair never noticed that on their journey they had neither crossed over water, nor even seen a bridge… usual telltale signs that you’re headed to an island, right?

Though the author was writing a tongue in cheek piece as a tech insider, the deeper meaning was clear: While technology may have made getting lost obsolete, we are clearly very ‘misguided.’

Not to get on a soap box (or risk showing my, ahem, ‘experience.’), I couldn’t agree more. Normally I wouldn’t waste your time on a personal pet peeve… or a rant, but I consider this issue a professional imperative.

I know that many of you believe that a GPS system is the must-have tool for all leasing agents. I completely disagree – at best, they are a mere distraction; and at worst, they are inhibiting our natural navigational instincts to the point that we are missing opportunities at every turn – literally. Truth is, there is opportunity for you on every corner. Everywhere you turn you will find someone or something that presents you with an untapped resource or opportunity. But we can’t leverage what we don’t see. Any tool, device or ‘system’ that prevents you from interacting with your surroundings should be discarded. Period. Exclamation point.

While I’m sure that you have made many resolutions this coming year, I think that perhaps the most important professional one could be to say so long to your navigational assistant; and instead, go canvassing old school (you know with a road map). Make 2012 the year to explore – maybe even get lost, and see what hidden treasures you uncover. I’ll be doing the same and I promise to keep you posted as to my travels. I’ll look forward to hearing about yours.

Until then, enjoy the open road!

Dedicated to filling your spaces,

Beth Azor