I wanted to thank you for coming out and teaching us your various techniques. I was able to take away a great deal of different things. I really like how you get straight to the point and don’t beat around the bush when talking to potential game changer prospects. When we went out to canvas together I thought for sure you must have planted people in the streets to talk to us. We walked through the mall talking to different store owners and all of a sudden the mall manager taps us on the shoulder and right away we thought we were going to be kicked out but to our surprise she actually told us she does the same thing! And on top of that she told us who were good tenants and who would be interested in talking. It was crazy! Later on when we were walking along the outdoor plaza a man opened the door to ask what we were doing and invited us in to talk. What are the chances?! These people among many others were not planted at all but just by using your techniques we were able to draw them out to talk to us. That is why I called you our good luck charm that day! I really appreciate you passing along your knowledge to us.

Michael Venesky