10 Ways We’re Saying “NO” For Someone Else!

We may be saying “NO” when:
  • We don’t get out there and meet enough (or any) new people who can say “no” to us. (Hello, people are prospects!) Are you going to network events? How often? 
Do you meet new people at the events or do you “hang” with people you already know? Here’s a tip: go up to the person standing alone. There’s always someone standing alone. He or she will love you for saving them! Don’t like large groups? Call a few real estate peers and host your own smaller gathering.
  • We don’t get to our (or any) point quickly. (Time is money.)
  • We don’t ask the right (or any) question(s).
  • Our fear (of rejection) says “no” for us.
  • We don’t shut up long enough to allow someone to answer our questions. 
 Hey, this means you, Mr./Ms. Sales Person! You know that you’re just waiting for me to stop talking so you can make your point—which is the very definition of “listening” from a sales person’s point of view!
  • We’re not willing to take any chances or make any mistakes (We grow more from our failures than from our successes.)
  • We don’t know why we have succeeded (or failed), so we can’t replicate our success or learn from our mistakes.
  • We learn, but we don’t apply what we’ve learned from our successes (and failures) in our next actions.
  • We’re arrogant and/or dismissive (as in we laugh out loud at an icon, OR we assume the front-desk clerk is NOT the owner).
  • We don’t recognize or refuse to accept a legitimate “no,” and thus miss out on building a potentially fruitful relationship.
I bet you can think of a dozen more ways we say “NO” For Our Prospects… Feel free to add and tag your own to my list at #DontSayNo.
Now that we understand the habit of saying “NO,” let’s take a look at how this silently plays out in our day-to-day lives.

Stay tuned for more tips!