Leasing Tip of the Day: Make Yourself Known Locally


Today, I want to talk to you about the power of being known. During my retail leasing career, I’ve learned that it’s not just about who you know, but it’s also about who knows you.

You see, there are countless individuals right in your own community who are eager to connect with you. They’re looking for your guidance, expertise, and enthusiasm. Don’t keep them waiting – get out there and make yourself known.

It’s time to start saying ‘yes’ to every opportunity that comes your way. Volunteer at your local church or synagogue, attend those informal networking happy hours, help organize alumni real estate events, or get involved in your passion projects. Embrace every chance to meet new people and expand your network.

And here’s a valuable tip: consider joining your local Chamber of Commerce. It’s a hidden gem that many in the real estate industry overlook. Did you know that about 10% of Chamber members are businesses that lease space? Now, imagine being one of the few leasing agents in the room. The odds are in your favor, my friends!

But joining alone isn’t enough; you’ve got to actively participate. Show your commitment by attending every meeting for the first six months and vocalize your top three desired uses. Establish yourself as the local retail real estate expert, and soon enough, questions, calls, and qualified leads will start flowing your way. I’ve personally secured multiple leases thanks to my Chamber involvement!

So, in a nutshell, it’s time to step out of your comfort zone, seize every opportunity to connect, and become the go-to retail real estate expert in your community. Be known, and watch your success skyrocket.

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